Monday, December 5, 2011

The Warblers?!

do do do do  do lu do do do do.... do.....

totally awesome!!


Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dramatasy event at Nex~

Rui En promoting her upcoming shows, 正义武官 Code of Honour and 最火搭档2 Unriddle2! woots!!
and since when i see such a girly Rui En?!

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Saturday, November 19, 2011

heeee... im blogging about my happpppppy stuff!

p.s yc: not what u think lar~ i wish! haa...

we happened to know about en filming in this very big and beautiful house (e biggest ive seen so far) was when we had to shoot a film for our new tech module. georgie, the one in pink contacted her cousin, in blue to ask for permission to shoot in her house as our story requires a house of rich man. i was clueless until georgie told me about our shooting location will be the same as Unriddle2's. i screamed with excitement... heee... they filmed for 4 days there but we could only make it on the last day, better than nothing...

on that day, i was peeping at en when they filmed just outside the house at the chill swimming pool area and was waiting for en to see me... was wondering aloud if she still rems me. then during her break, i walked near her and pretended to be commenting on the crew's lighting set up with my friends (we did learn useful stuff from mdc). she then walked past me and when we exchanged glances, she smiled so sweetly at me and said hi! i only managed to say hello.... haaaa..  

after the filming, at 11ish pm, we requested (actually me only but all joined in) to take photo. initially en sat beside me but she asked the others along so i got separated from her :( i commented its the same shirt again (seen her in this tee many times after shoots or events). she then said 'it's such a coicidence to see u here'!!!!!! (means she recognises me!) i then asked her how's 正义武官 (looking forward to this show! debuts 5th dec) and she just replied 'very tiring...' (as usual, her short short replies)

sad face :(
of coz im not shuang to take group pic so i requested for en to take an individual one with me. and although it already seems that she recognises me, i still shamelessly asked her if she happens to recognise me and she said yes :P
and as usual, she leaves in a hurry... always the first to rush off for anything... she then said sorry and explained there's something on early in the morning for her... so i see her drive her toyota celica (which i always see at e carpark of her block when im on my way to tutee's house) off, and waving bye to xiang yun who is still in the house with us...

i always try to act as calm and less crazy in front of en.. but i just cant keep my hype and anticipation when i see her... haaa... and stupid me forget to bring my dslr, cant get better quality pics... :/

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Friday, November 18, 2011


⋯ 一个再好的人也会因为所周遭的事物变得可怕?

they said something like, 'doubt everything, until that which cannot be doubted is left.'
so even when that person didnt mean it, u will still doubt her first before clarifying. and when u jump into it, that's it...
things start to turn scary when u gossip behind her back and look total normal in front... i got the goosebump when i first heard abt her grudge for that friend she hangs out so often with.
she told me how much she accumulated within her and let it out when a particular incident happened. that's very unhealthy...
i'm scared... i become afraid of making mistakes... i feel uncomfortable sometimes... the people whom i think are nice can be scary. then i reflect on myself, i can be scary at times too, in terms of what we are thinking inside ourselves.
i want to battle this demon inside me... coz i want to be true to myself...

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Sunday, October 23, 2011

girls just love to daydream...

... at least it proves that im a girl... heh... my heart doesnt throb but it smiles on the things he says or does...

it all happened when meng and he pyschoed me to dp this 16mm module shoot when i once told em i aspire to be a dp. each at one side, they trapped me in betw and started to psycho me to take up e role. i unwillingly agreed, telling them im not there yet to have a big crew under me...

1. he msged me that he and meng will be coming to school on our free day to help me out on the preparation of the shoot. got to know more abt the light meter and e lights.. they threw me into this but didnt abandon me..

2. when meng said i was slow, he defended by saying im not. hee... (and im really not lo, just that this friend v. demanding)

3. e proj was v. last min as e previous director backed out and another senior took over. when my supervisor scolded me coz i didnt reserve equipments early, he patted on my shoulder and said '不要骂她啦,她要哭了’. (he exaggerated... ha.. and after that i was smiling... hee)

4. when we were abt to wrap, he randomly sang some chi love song and looked into my eyes. i felt awkward and looked away, saying he's crazy... (暗爽?a bit lar... haaa)

5. after cleaning and packing up, we were discussing abt where to eat. they started saying seafood and all and i purposely gave a sad face (act cute)... then some noticed and said zhiwei cannot eat. then he went towards me and comforted me ‘那边有很多好吃的... (then surprised me)... 你坐我的车,我带你!’ (there were 3 other drivers... when we got to the cars, i opened his front seat door, then e other gals fought for the front seats and the others filled behind... dont want it to be obvious, i sat in meng's car instead, anyway plenty of chances lar~ ha)

6. 10 of us were eating when he suddenly told me, 'zhi wei check ur phone'. then my frenz were asking was it supposed to be a private thing... i gave a weird look and asked what was it and he said it's sth useful. i checked and told him i didnt receive it. he said it was a mms on nd filter chart thing and complained waste his 50cents. ha... (when i got home i received e sms that says go to singtel website to open e mms but nth came out. i then asked him to whatsapp me)

meng kept teasing that im a les and im still not ready yet to prove to him im not by telling him i like his buddy... ha... let nature takes its course ;)

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Thursday, October 6, 2011

a simple hand shake...

i remember getting hand shakes from friends when we are having exams, wishing each other good luck. this time, hand shakes from film buds...

im gonna mention names for the first time... ha

i dp-ed (director of photog) for my friend, siya's directing shoot ytd. im glad im given this chance by siya to see how much i can do. in e morning, we collected equipment from the store and load them to our asst director, georgina's car (much appreciation to her as she tried to get the car for the shoot). the other groups are also around preparing for their individual shoots. after we have packed the stuff, i sat beside georgie in her car and closed the door. and as we were about to drive off, one of e bros, meng, suddenly opened the car door and extended his hand to me. i was taken aback by his sudden action and received his hand shake, touched and grateful. shyan was beside him and meng gestured to him to shake my hand.. shyan, said no and told him to close the door. i was upset for a while until i realised he was acting. he closed and opened the door again and shook my hand.

i was v. nervous for the first directing shoot, even though it's a directing module and im not the director and the highlight is the performance. the simple hand shake somehow gave me a little confidence and definitely made my day to know that i have these supportive friends around me.

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Monday, September 26, 2011


I guess I'm often seen as a brother by these fellow classmates who can talk about very sensitive and explicit issues to me without thinking im actually a lady and i usually just laugh it off.
One always hit me at the arms, knock hard onto me, like what guys usually do.
The other is very open when he talks to me, can even direct vulgarities at me, yet is the most brotherly one, who always find opportunities for me.
Last one, whom ive set my eyes on treats me more like lady and likes to call out to me just to tell or perform silly things to entertain me.
In return, i always slap them hard at their arms... do it like a dude??

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Friday, September 23, 2011

antidote please!

it's only a wk that's he's absent from school for a film workshop, in fact only a few days, ive started to think about him...

when im wondering if he will be in school this morning for a lesson when his workshop is in the afternoon, i saw him in his car leaving with another friend. i purposely walked towards his direction but act as if i didnt see him. what's next, he surprised me by winding his car window down just to shout out 'zhiwei!'. i waved and felt so gd :P

in documentary class, i grouped with 2 seniors. this guy senior randomly asked if i like any guys in my batch. the other senior cut in to say, shyan lo. i looked at her, shocked. then she saw my expression and told me it's a wild guess! i was speechless, and that's how these 2 seniors got to know abt my secret that non of my close film frenz know. :/

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

so many random thoughts...

1. eye candy is so cute!! cant take my eyes off him. :D
2. 16mm 'red bull fighter' tvc shoot is a success!  :)
3. ive learnt to read the street directory! :)
4. im still a road hazard :(
5. enjoyed yellow ribbon prison run with fellow mates! :D
6. im touched to have a great bro who always jio me for impt roles in shoots. :D
7. i destroyed ppl's car :(
8. upcoming 'HIV' competition shoot location is at my house. :)
9. 10 mins to my targeted timing of 55mins for 10 click :)
10. directing prof is not as scary as i thought! :)

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Friday, September 16, 2011

another lovely night...

what a lovely cold night...
in the process of searching, i hope i dont lose myself again...

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

a cold and warm night.

it was a cold cold night. after a tiring class on wed, at 9.30pm, i took a train to changi airport. it was 2 weeks after her b'day and i had sent her a b'day msg reminiscing those days in primary school and how lovely were those memories. the feeling was weird, i felt so strongly at that point of time i started to miss her.

at the airport, we were at a cafe while her parents were at the other side of e cafe chatting by themselves. she never fails to educate me in a short conversation of half an hr. 12.30am, before entering the gates, she hugged us. i was so touched when she hugged her parents - her mum whispered in her ears and smiled fondly at her; her dad hugged her tightly and kissed her at her cheek. the sight was so heart warming that i almost cried.

she's starting her second year in University of Edinburgh and there are 4 more years, including this yr till she finishes her studies and 2 years more of apprenticeship. which makes it 6 more years...

Dear Jane, 9 more months to june and we shall meet again~ ;)

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

on casting...

I have problems with selecting actors... prob im too compromising and too naive... i guess it's a fact that some ppl just aint a performer, and it will prob take yrs to train them to be one... while i was having much headache on selecting my cast, the thought of having en in my film got stronger. how great would it be if en agrees to act for me and my job as a director would be so easy...

oh well, even without en i can also survive with good actors. i got to search... ;)

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Thursday, September 8, 2011


yay! a friend gonna teach me play 'Creep' by Radiohead~~~ got friend who plays the drum too, im so gonna form a band! :P

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Monday, September 5, 2011


the eagerness to match-make ppl when im one spinster myself is coming up again... the more i chat with this nice guy, the more i feel he is suitable for this nice girl... heeeee...

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

more than words...

i got to learn to be more sincere coz it's the only real thing that is able to transcend everything... everything...
even at my worst, at least i know the very heart is real...

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Wednesday, August 31, 2011



Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Friday, August 26, 2011

love, a stong word that can make one cry.

i was touched by my friends today. i felt loved when 2 friends cried for me over an issue. a long story during lesson which i shall not elaborate.

the aftermath:
one of my friends was discussing about it with other friends around and she said im like a '小绵羊' (we called each other lost sheep coz we are always quite blur) and said i might get bullied. then i saw her tears in her eyes. i chua tio and i asked her if she's gonna cry but she denied.

Another friend who was more antsy complained about the senior who caused this unhappiness (though i dont think he was at fault at all and he got his point). she said she had tried her best to argue with him and kept complaining about him all the way until we were in the bus. she suddenly broke down and cried, saying that she felt sad for me. she has all along been so strong and confident and suddenly became so weak and vulnerable.

i was so touched by them and the last time a friend (jiayin) cried for me was in sec 3, when i wasnt selected into the goh contingent. it was definitely an awkward yet lovely moment. but of coz this shouldnt be an expectation.

i had cried for friends and family before and when i did, i felt assured of my love, that i still care and not be desensitise to what my loved ones have experienced, for their experiences are my experiences.

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others


my sis has been wanting to buy a new dslr after fungus grew on her outdated canon. she did research and wanted to buy a nikon D7000. but im sooo relieved to have convinced her to buy a canon :P for its video quality (25fps), much better than e nikons (24fps). being one of the shareholders, i forked 25%.

tada! a 60D canon, recommended by filmmaker Philip Bloom too. too bad she rushes to buy the cam, if not i can do more research on which lens better to invest in :(

no dream 5DmII, a 60D is good enough for me liao... heee... start shooooooooting! bang bang

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Thursday, August 25, 2011

are u game?

yati's son, back in indonesia, smsed her some numbers to buy 4D...

3 months ago,
he gave her 2535 and 3545, 1st prize came out

last wk
he gave her 3145 and 3135, 1st prize came out

this wk
he gave her  7552 and 7662 came out

lolx... 神童功力退化了一点。i guess some ppl like us are not meant for gambling. i rem me winning and then losing the same amt of money on cny on 2 occassions... no net change, which is a good thing. ha

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Sunday, August 14, 2011

this is the first time...

... i'm making a public apology.

i'm sorry that i have been abusing technology, such as whatsapp, assuming that people receive the msges and dont bother to check if they have received the msg. or worse, forgetting to inform people and make them wait.

these few days, have upset quite a few people i guess.
sorry gl for replying u on whatsapp when u prob need an instant reply via sms.
sorry angie for replying u on whatsapp when i assumed u get to read my msges.
sorry yc for forgetting to keep u informed.

and of coz all e past mistakes which ive done and have just reflected upon and am deeply regretful.

seeing what people done wrong is the easier route.
i realise i could get a clearer view of why things are happening in a negative way when i thoroughly reflect on myself. 

this is also the first time im in dilemma about posting a post but it's one i wont regret posting. because this is not a post of pointing at others which i might feel bad after posting but a post that remind me i should always heal myself first to make me a better person.

for all the things that i have done that upset anyone,
please forgive me.
thank you.
i love you.

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Friday, August 12, 2011

guitare de concert

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Thursday, August 11, 2011

the art of seeing.


Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Sunday, July 31, 2011

that's her.

It happened at the press conference when Zhang Yao Dong mentioned there was a rape scene with ah en, and some insinuations here and there. And this is how ah en reacted...

On “Rape and Lies”, by Rui En.

My stance against doing rape and kissing scenes has not wavered. Not even when I was told to my face that I would never have a career due to having such conditions.
I will never agree to doing rape scene. Period.
Which is why I was surprised but felt it was not entirely unexpected that Zhang Yao Dong told reporters that he did a rape scene with me.
The scene he was referring to is a fight scene with him trying to force drugs down the blind character’s throat. While unconscious, he stroked my hair and face. That is the extent of anything remotely resembling a rape scene.
I strongly believe that abusing women should never be considered trivial, much less be made use of to create news or scandals of any sort.
Though I understand how some artistes require the need to create headlines to stay relevant, there is no necessity to twist facts around in order to provide the press with inaccurate juicy headlines.
Though I will not judge anyone and simply chose to do things differently. I draw the line when individuals sensationalize insinuations to draw attention to themselves at the expense of someone else’s integrity.

I watched Good Morning Sg and the host as expected, asked zhang yao dong abt the misunderstanding with ah en. he admitted he was confused by how he should described the scene and said it was a rape scene. and he said at the press conference, when being asked by the reporters if he managed to touch en's lips, he said watch and u will know, he shall not disclose further (i guess the way he put it made e reporters think there's something more to it).

Ive read I weekly and the interviewer asked elvin on how close he is with ah en. he said few years ago when they werent as close, prob on their 1st or 2nd show, when he asked en for her no. she gave a weird stare and said '为什么问?'. and the interviewer asked so until now(6 years already), have you got her no.? he said '还是没有,哈哈哈'.

Hmm, there are people who are more sensitive about his or her integrity and might be easily offended. Call them highly sensitive people, they are just trying to protect themselves, their integrity. Kind of weird person... ha

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Friday, July 29, 2011

anyone anyone :P

i feel like doing something crazy, prob not exactly crazy but fun~ haaa
just wondering if anyone would like to join ;)

the location is at muar, malaysia though.

探班 与 拍摄
Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Monday, July 25, 2011






Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


where will i go
what shall i settle for
how much capacity i have
who can i depend on
when shall i start

i really duno the answers. i really wish i know.
i have set no aims for i know aims are transient,
but i can dream for dreams might come true.

my adm store supervisor is someone whom i look up to. though he complains a lot, he forgets them very quickly. most importantly, he may look like a typical uncle, in fact he has a world of knowledge.
graduated from lasalle,
did freelance,
shoot big events in mediacorp,
ventured into hk film industry shoot tvb dramas,
learnt steadicam from its inventor in america.

他对我说, "走!不要留在新加坡。能走就走!”


i hope one day i will find out the 4W1H in life.
a rice bowl or a fiery fire.

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Monday, July 11, 2011



Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

u are not a loner in a marathon

initially was quite sian when i got to run alone but its true that its difficult to find friends who have the same pace as you when u are running competitively.

felt even lonelier when i missed the 15km wave and being among the 10km wave.. i had lagged 15mins behind my wave (though it wouldnt affect my timing with the timing chip attached on our bib).

chiong until i saw ppl of my wave, and happier when i saw the 9km mark, im halfway through! i kept chanting to myself 'laggi sikit' (a little bit more). duno why i said in malay. it's not to say a little more to the end point but to push myself to increase my pace a little more when i slowed down.

2 encounters with fellow runners, a guy ran beside me and said 'good' with a thumbs up sign and took over. further up around 12km, i ran aside an old indian man, i smiled at him and he was very friendly and said hello, how are you. i told him that he is good. he said this is his first marathon and it's 15km. such strong mental and physical power! thereafter i ran ahead... *reminds me when climbing mount rinjani when we exchange sincere words of encouragement with climbers from all over the world, i love that vibe!

and there were volunteers who were really nice. there was this little boy, prob lower sec, poured 100 plus and distributed to the runners, asking 'would you like a cup of 100 plus?'. i really appreciated his service, smiled and said 'thank you very much'. and there were some other volunteers who cheered us on, their encouragement can be really important. to me, a reminder 'you are near halfway there already, jiayou!' can make me more motivated.

towards the end, at the last 1km, i was really excited and dashed to the finishing point. that feeling was great~

i was not alone through the race... ;)

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Friday, July 8, 2011

busy busy busier...

more things to do after coming back from Rinjani...

3 sources of income:
1. work study in school (2/3 times a wk, day)
2. data entry in mediacorp library (2 times a wk, day)
3. tuition (4 times a wk, night)

1. work study in school is better than data entry... at least i get to move around, carrying stuff here and there... the best part is dont have to wake up so early and timing is flexible.

2. working in mediacorp library is also flexible lar, can choose any 2 or 3 days to go work. 2 days a wk is killing me already... but at least... can watch exclusive vids that are extinct!
had watched extreme gourmet, a 2004/5 reality show.... cant believe that en is so so so bold to bite onto... supposed-to-be-cute-yet-disgusting stuff... :( another show is glam!, interviewed en and joanne peh also in 2005 i think.
and i prob can have a preview of en's new show (heard my colleague mentioning the tape of this show over the phone), guess the tapes will be catalogued for viewing soon! :P

3. took up a tuition assignment at clementi... 4 days a wk! prob will request to cut it down to 3 days if not my weekdays nights - burnt.

next up 2 shoots,
one is a surreal, experimental film, and im gonna be the grip, do e sai kangs one...
the other one is a promotional film on aids. a big project, and im chosen as cam assist again~ so honoured to be picked by my zai eye candy who is cam operator :P value up~ hee

not forgetting the 3 or 4 marathons that's coming up!

have been constantly nourishing myself in many areas, life has been treating me well so far.

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Adventures at Mount Rinjani!

day 1, on the plane, so many mountains. is that the one we will be climbing?

first night, our trip guide bahar explained to us the 3 days climb and hike.

yummy coconut rolls served after dinner (yati told me its called 'dadar gulung')

relax at happy cafe bar before embarking on the long and tedious trek the next 3 days.

live band is my fav.!

lamps at the garden of our homestay.

day 2, the first day of climbing begins...

families come here to trek too?

the trekking begins...

across the fields, including this burnt field...

stopped for lunch! yummy mega sandwich! first time munching on 4 loaves of bread.

stop to take in the mesmerising scenery~~~

prof gan with our odac trip leader jinhao~

the clouds are floating just beside us...

at our base camp, starry starry night and milky way! thanks to trip leader for his tripod! (fellow trekker pointed out the milky way, ive no idea though and just researched and i guess it is!) --

day 3, second day of climbing, summit push! woke up at 2am to start at 3am! but it is worth it, to catch the sunrise! ;)

should have bought hiking sticks.... it makes the climb less difficult. the gravel terrain is disgusting! take a step and slide a step down...

beautiful as seen from the summit! :P

at the edge of the summit~

another sister mountain~ hee

'im on the top of the world, looking down on creation...' not exactly though... until ive conquered mount everest...

fellow mount rinjani summit conqueror from thailand.

his friend reached and see the smile on his face!

this lil boy cried at a distance away from the summit. prob coz of the chill, or the terrain.

his father carried him up step by step, every step thrice as difficult.

this is the mountain that became dormant... it was still spilling lava 2 years back! cheat my feelings :(

pretty green on the mountains~

left our first base camp for the crater lake camp site~ went to an amazing hot spring in the middle of the wild that chilly night!

day 4, third day of trekking, the waterfall trek... before recovering from the summit push, we went on for a 10 hrs trek (up and down, sandy and rocky terrains) and due to 3 casualties, our 10 hrs trek seems forever... had to postponed part of the trek to tmr...

day 5, on our way to the waterfall!

traditional kampung man.

diving pose??

bad composition... pathetic view of waterfall...

e guys are really high...

an unusual trek in the tunnel where the water from the waterfall flows through...

its the yummy mie sedap for lunch again! slurp~~~

over here, i would really love to credit the local porters who have done so much for us. cooking, washing, serving, pitching tent, transporting stores... i was really overwhelmed by their service as usually we are the ones doing all these during camps.

cooking our fav. mie sedap!~

we always have banana for breakfast, banana pancake, crepe~

i like the light falling on his face... hee

these are the 2 porters whom im more familiar with and had interacted with coz they are the few who can speak a lil english.

Harim who pulled me up the summit when im totally exhausted... and nope, its neither jh (to angie) nor ck (to yc and sis)!

Budin who hops around like a kid. haaaa.. and indeed, he is only 20! @@

last but not the least, our guide, Bahar who has brought us around from our homestay to mount rinjani, did all the liaising and stuff.

a fellow trekker mentioned that the porters seem to love what they are doing. i do feel so until yati pointed out to me that i have always wanted to experience kampung life when these lowly paid people yearn to be in the city.

time to say goodbye to our dearest porters and guide... i really miss them. continue on day 5, moving off from the outskirts to our homestay~~~

yati identified that this is bean plantation. dont u tink its so cool to nap in the hut amidst the greens!

on our way back, we stopped at the place where they called the monkey forest.

fellow trekker pointed out that this one here looks like the king of the monkeys! haaaa... the monkey god!

cute lil indonesian gal at a provision shop.

had foot reflexology with some fellow trekkers. shiok to end my night with massaged feet~!

day 6, packed our day pack from homestay and took a ferry to the gili islands! snorkelling!

pretty night view~ love the composition.

the restaurants and resorts at this island are really awesome!!! many unique innovations!

get a lil romantic by the beach!

wonder if this is another mie sedap for dinner? haaa..

day 7, bye to pretty gili islands! have breakfast by the beach~ relax sua~

at the harbour of lombok. the workers are probably transporting stores to and fro gili islands and the lombok town.
entered a provision shop and requested to enter their house which is behind their shop. it seems like a secret garden in there! the man is making photo frames to be sold in their shop.

shy lil gal who was overwhelmed by the exposure and cried after a few snaps...

her sister looks shy too... what a pretty lil gal.

granny looks tensed when taking photo.

another shy gal with painted pink nails.

selling balloons along the street! so colourful!

had our dinner from a street stall. and i think its mie sedap again @@ mee goreng on the menu always turns out to be mie sedap :/

sang K at a cafe! it opens till 12am but our prof proposed to sing until 2am and the workers agreed~ @@ was too tired plus the oldies sang by prof made me KO at around 1am... slipped into a slumber on the chair in the chilly night...

prof really loves to sing! he was still singing even when we arrived back at our homestay at near 2am.

day 8, lunch at Cafe Lombi, managed by a swiss who also manages the homestay we are staying. his love story was extraordinary! the swiss was once a bag-packer who travels around and at one time came to lombok and met his current wife. it was love at first sight and he decided to stay in this small town and earn a living by investing in homestays and this Cafe Lombi.

tomato mozzarella sandwich!

brownie dessert!

another shy cutie!

prof gan just aint enough of singing... on the last day before we go~

hello singapore night! i miss u :P

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others