Saturday, November 19, 2011

heeee... im blogging about my happpppppy stuff!

p.s yc: not what u think lar~ i wish! haa...

we happened to know about en filming in this very big and beautiful house (e biggest ive seen so far) was when we had to shoot a film for our new tech module. georgie, the one in pink contacted her cousin, in blue to ask for permission to shoot in her house as our story requires a house of rich man. i was clueless until georgie told me about our shooting location will be the same as Unriddle2's. i screamed with excitement... heee... they filmed for 4 days there but we could only make it on the last day, better than nothing...

on that day, i was peeping at en when they filmed just outside the house at the chill swimming pool area and was waiting for en to see me... was wondering aloud if she still rems me. then during her break, i walked near her and pretended to be commenting on the crew's lighting set up with my friends (we did learn useful stuff from mdc). she then walked past me and when we exchanged glances, she smiled so sweetly at me and said hi! i only managed to say hello.... haaaa..  

after the filming, at 11ish pm, we requested (actually me only but all joined in) to take photo. initially en sat beside me but she asked the others along so i got separated from her :( i commented its the same shirt again (seen her in this tee many times after shoots or events). she then said 'it's such a coicidence to see u here'!!!!!! (means she recognises me!) i then asked her how's 正义武官 (looking forward to this show! debuts 5th dec) and she just replied 'very tiring...' (as usual, her short short replies)

sad face :(
of coz im not shuang to take group pic so i requested for en to take an individual one with me. and although it already seems that she recognises me, i still shamelessly asked her if she happens to recognise me and she said yes :P
and as usual, she leaves in a hurry... always the first to rush off for anything... she then said sorry and explained there's something on early in the morning for her... so i see her drive her toyota celica (which i always see at e carpark of her block when im on my way to tutee's house) off, and waving bye to xiang yun who is still in the house with us...

i always try to act as calm and less crazy in front of en.. but i just cant keep my hype and anticipation when i see her... haaa... and stupid me forget to bring my dslr, cant get better quality pics... :/

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

1 comment:

  1. wa so lucky u!! managed to take photo with her again for the second time! and oops i was abt to ask u who is the person sitting beside u in the group photo until u mentioned it was xiangyun:P
