Sunday, October 23, 2011

girls just love to daydream...

... at least it proves that im a girl... heh... my heart doesnt throb but it smiles on the things he says or does...

it all happened when meng and he pyschoed me to dp this 16mm module shoot when i once told em i aspire to be a dp. each at one side, they trapped me in betw and started to psycho me to take up e role. i unwillingly agreed, telling them im not there yet to have a big crew under me...

1. he msged me that he and meng will be coming to school on our free day to help me out on the preparation of the shoot. got to know more abt the light meter and e lights.. they threw me into this but didnt abandon me..

2. when meng said i was slow, he defended by saying im not. hee... (and im really not lo, just that this friend v. demanding)

3. e proj was v. last min as e previous director backed out and another senior took over. when my supervisor scolded me coz i didnt reserve equipments early, he patted on my shoulder and said '不要骂她啦,她要哭了’. (he exaggerated... ha.. and after that i was smiling... hee)

4. when we were abt to wrap, he randomly sang some chi love song and looked into my eyes. i felt awkward and looked away, saying he's crazy... (暗爽?a bit lar... haaa)

5. after cleaning and packing up, we were discussing abt where to eat. they started saying seafood and all and i purposely gave a sad face (act cute)... then some noticed and said zhiwei cannot eat. then he went towards me and comforted me ‘那边有很多好吃的... (then surprised me)... 你坐我的车,我带你!’ (there were 3 other drivers... when we got to the cars, i opened his front seat door, then e other gals fought for the front seats and the others filled behind... dont want it to be obvious, i sat in meng's car instead, anyway plenty of chances lar~ ha)

6. 10 of us were eating when he suddenly told me, 'zhi wei check ur phone'. then my frenz were asking was it supposed to be a private thing... i gave a weird look and asked what was it and he said it's sth useful. i checked and told him i didnt receive it. he said it was a mms on nd filter chart thing and complained waste his 50cents. ha... (when i got home i received e sms that says go to singtel website to open e mms but nth came out. i then asked him to whatsapp me)

meng kept teasing that im a les and im still not ready yet to prove to him im not by telling him i like his buddy... ha... let nature takes its course ;)

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others


  1. haha so maybe still have chance lor!!:)

  2. told u its my day dream liao.. haa.. it has always been a one way thing.. ha
