Thursday, October 6, 2011

a simple hand shake...

i remember getting hand shakes from friends when we are having exams, wishing each other good luck. this time, hand shakes from film buds...

im gonna mention names for the first time... ha

i dp-ed (director of photog) for my friend, siya's directing shoot ytd. im glad im given this chance by siya to see how much i can do. in e morning, we collected equipment from the store and load them to our asst director, georgina's car (much appreciation to her as she tried to get the car for the shoot). the other groups are also around preparing for their individual shoots. after we have packed the stuff, i sat beside georgie in her car and closed the door. and as we were about to drive off, one of e bros, meng, suddenly opened the car door and extended his hand to me. i was taken aback by his sudden action and received his hand shake, touched and grateful. shyan was beside him and meng gestured to him to shake my hand.. shyan, said no and told him to close the door. i was upset for a while until i realised he was acting. he closed and opened the door again and shook my hand.

i was v. nervous for the first directing shoot, even though it's a directing module and im not the director and the highlight is the performance. the simple hand shake somehow gave me a little confidence and definitely made my day to know that i have these supportive friends around me.

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others