Friday, September 23, 2011

antidote please!

it's only a wk that's he's absent from school for a film workshop, in fact only a few days, ive started to think about him...

when im wondering if he will be in school this morning for a lesson when his workshop is in the afternoon, i saw him in his car leaving with another friend. i purposely walked towards his direction but act as if i didnt see him. what's next, he surprised me by winding his car window down just to shout out 'zhiwei!'. i waved and felt so gd :P

in documentary class, i grouped with 2 seniors. this guy senior randomly asked if i like any guys in my batch. the other senior cut in to say, shyan lo. i looked at her, shocked. then she saw my expression and told me it's a wild guess! i was speechless, and that's how these 2 seniors got to know abt my secret that non of my close film frenz know. :/

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others