Thursday, October 28, 2010


still not enough of the constantly maturing tingting... she's becoming more and more clever! she can identify me and call my name now~ although it's zhu wei jie jie that she calls out.. prob influenced from my grandmother and my sis who keep teaching her to say that! roar

ting ting trying to figure out who is who. da dong? Rui En? Rui En = ? heee... clever tingting :P

origin of suffering = attachment


  1. Tingting so cute why you say she act cute! :'( Rui En mei mei seh~ Oh dear, Tingting seems to be undergoing the Rui En indoctrination at a tender age leh :P

  2. HAHA!! yea lor zhi u dun influence her too much leh.. anw i like her hairstyle lor. so cute:)

  3. haa.. ya lar, really a cutie pie.. i didnt teach her to say mei mei btw! haaa..
    fel, go cut that hairstyle then! hee
