Thursday, October 28, 2010


still not enough of the constantly maturing tingting... she's becoming more and more clever! she can identify me and call my name now~ although it's zhu wei jie jie that she calls out.. prob influenced from my grandmother and my sis who keep teaching her to say that! roar

ting ting trying to figure out who is who. da dong? Rui En? Rui En = ? heee... clever tingting :P

origin of suffering = attachment

last 2 days of SHOOT

not that i like taking pics of lizard. but they look like art :X this ne here die a horrible death though. it got stuck on the sticky poster and we guessed it tried to nudged and in the process got its tail ripped off. and after a few years or so it became like this... dry and bony like fossil...

the funny actor Gim as the kidnapper~

cute 8 yr old glen~ director directing the camerwoman

Gim trying to be funny with Glen... ha

Glen has to really stop smiling when the camera roll if not....

Action! Getting serious... Gim's shouts (partly acting partly serious coz Glen cant stop smiling) made Glen cry :(

he is really a gd performer...

cant wait to see this short film directed by my friend! not only it has apt lighting (we spent a lot of effort setting up the lights), its funny and heart warming...

origin of suffering = attachment

Thursday, October 21, 2010

film production!

i directed on tue, and managed to find my old man at queenstown after walking around the hdb for 2 hrs... and the young actor was replaced by jason! ha..
had so much fun in the process. everyone gets their turn to be director, assistant director, camerman, sound recordist.
kind of disappointed for my shoot. im not as prepared as my other group members prob coz im more concerned about finding my actors which is really impt at that time. my shoots were mediocre, no interesting angles etc... lack depth and kind of boring. like what jason said, it's really a emo and dark film. ive realised to make this kind of film a success requires really good techniques and good actors. i should avoid this genre next time round.

got a shock when my team mate said he bought this bear for himself! this is the first time i hear a guy buying himself soft toy! the domo most prob also...
played around with his toys... ha
a dead dried lizard found after a dead dried bird. they are most prob trapped in the rooms. it is no wonder as the place we are shooting in is a super old nie campus. super dusty and dirty, very suitable for a horror setting...

my film team mates and yr 1 classmate helping out as actor.

sound recordist and cameraman.
my friend managed to clean this once a filthy room to a nice room setting~

looking through the view finder... my turn as cameraman~

though i kind of failed for my shoot, im satisfied with what i rendered to my director in her shoot. the sense of accomplishment can be felt even though it is not my shoot. nvm, there always are plenty of chances next time!

origin of suffering = attachment

Sunday, October 17, 2010

i shot myself down...

im not living up to my posts, i realise i always break my own rule, and yes yc is right, we have no right to criticise about anyone even if we think we are right (not that i criticise lar)... sigh... i will try extra hard not to deviate to the dark side. ha

anyway, film shoot for the coming week, mon to sat from 8am to 8pm. sorry if u cant get me, i will most prob be too busy or exhausted physically and mentally to reply smses... meanwhile, im in the process of persuading my ah gong... ive learned my mistake... next time i wont have old people in my shoots unless i can afford to pay $250 for a professional one. :( life is full of mistakes, i will keep learning...

origin of suffering = attachment

Saturday, October 16, 2010

try to make hatred difficult to achieve.

we always look at the negative of people but fail to look at the positive. be optimistic, see only the good things.

if there is anyone whom u think is doing the wrong thing, instead of hating them or feeling disappointed, like what jingyi says, the more we should care for them. instead of clinching onto the hatred that makes us feel terrible, why not learn to love?

ive finally understood the essence of 'follow your heart'. you only listen to the heart that has no attachment. only without attachment, you can find your way. if you think the person should know how you feel, go ahead and let them know, but without the attachment of ego, resentment, bitterness, dissatisfaction etc...

origin of suffering = attachment

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ive learnt something important.

1. i shall never let anything negative interfere with my life.
2. most importantly, i will always be true to myself and to others.

origin of suffering = attachment

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Anyone of you know of anyone who can act???

The Youth:
= looks like age 15-20
= can cry
= must be free on 19 and 20 Oct (Tue, Wed)
= don't have to be good looking

The Old Man:
= looks like a grandfather
= will not have much performance to do
= must be free on 19 and 20 Oct (Tue, Wed)


Saturday, October 9, 2010


i need some kind of understanding, or some kind of treatment for my mind... im getting a bit hysterical, or maybe sometimes... deep down i guess i know what's the treatment that i need. meanwhile, i shall not go into the specifics and hope that i can attain some sort of peace! yeah man!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


yati told me something that makes me happy! she told me my mum bought plenty of yellow and black beans to cook in soup and told yati how i needed more of these. i had really hated eating these beans, had never eaten them in soup until today, i ate so much of it... just because it's my mum's 一片苦心,一份爱心,一切关心

my mum though didnt show her support, showed her tremendous concern for me. i appreciate it a lot...

another thing to share. my mum bought a 15cm ginseng that costs $400!!! and she said she doesnt bear to take it, it's specially bought for my sis and i coz from the sinseh, we somehow are kinda weak (it's weird to hear that though i don't think i am, it's just that i sleep late). i was really touched... her body conditions (frail legs) are much worse than my sis and i but she puts us before herself. how 伟大 can a mother be?

Monday, October 4, 2010

be thankful for what u have.

i once again quarreled with my parents yesterday when i asked if they would like to try vegetarian food. dad's rebuke hurt me. i know it's difficult for them to understand the choice i made. yes, i do hope they can join my cause, but from the situation now, it will be naive to think they will. my only hope is that they show their support by doing very simple things like asking my maid to cook a portion of non meat dish separately.

surprisingly my sis who has been at odds with me is the one who touched me when she prepared nice food for me during our family bbq. she did asparagus with cheese in chappati (poh pia skin).

yati is also someone whom i want to thank a lot. she's the most understanding family member. she makes me side dishes when dinner comprises of mainly meat or when she knows i dislike a particular dish. she is like my second mother ;)

of coz, yc who always fights to treat us vegetarian food and gl who makes nice ohana crunch and other specialities in the making. fel and angie who totally support the cause. max who happily and willingly hosted vegetarian steamboat for ohanies when he doesn't benefit from it. gl and yy who accompanied us to the outdoors acres event without complaining about the sweltering afternoon. zr and zhuang who didn't mind vegetarian steamboat~

yc told me jingyi thanked her friends for accepting her for who she is, that includes being a vegan. i didnt understand the need to say thank you. but having gone through the struggle with my parents, i understood. i was naive to think that your loved ones, family and friends, will always support u in what u do. but the fact is no, and i got to be thankful to the people who supports my cause. and im sure one day, i will thank my parents for supporting that particular one!