Tuesday, December 29, 2009


my loving parents~~~ 老夫老妻多恩爱啊~
dad is teaching mum to sing (my mum's singing is really horrible!) i duno why and when she started to have the interest in singing when all along it is my dad who always karaoke during leisure. anyway, she took singing lessons and my dad is her mentor.

i have to admit my mum looks cute and intelligent with the 老花眼镜...

Monday, December 28, 2009

im back after sooo long~~~

busy watching clips of wei, old ones, new ones, movies, dramas everything~~~ back to blogging! aiya, these few weeks have been taking pics, anything that i feel like taking, just tat too obsessed with other stuff... :P

22 Dec 09 Tue
shall blog abt 冬月初七 冬至
hmm, actually i duno the significance of it, and only know when is it when i see my grandma knead flour to make little balls the previous night, ya, those bounce bounce balls and not something else :P

my grandma, cousin and maid in action... kinda sad... im part of the crew almost every year. but since my maid is more diligent, let her take my role lo. ha... actually its coz im too glued to my laptop lar... heh~

the previous day, the sky was really pretty, love the sunset, the depressing look (im not the depressing kind though)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

cutie pie

my niece siting, tingting.. she's so adorable! so far she only let me carry her once only... but ok lar, she only let and my mum and i carry her other than her family.. others dont allow.. haaaa...

then i saw her amused look when she saw my mum, i asked my uncle and he told me coz tingting likes her grandma, who is my auntie, she finds my mum like her grandma so she feels closer to her... ha..

and my ah ma, always grab her hand and i guess this irritates her.. lolx!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

YOG presentation

last friday (4 Dec), we had to present our YOG sculptures exhibited in a hall at adm. i have something to share with u guys but not so soon though.

anyway, pictures by a photographer of adm. spot me.. hee ;)

Saturday, December 5, 2009


just wanna say i love u guys! i care about how u ppl feel and really wish the best for all of u. dont think too much for those of u who are, think with a positive mind! be optimistic!

no matter what, stay firm, stay strong. unless u crush yourself, the sky wont crush down on u.

lamp-post exclaims, "im strong and firm, are u?"

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Themes about MULAN that i love. The idea of:
- a typical lady, left with no choice, goes to the battlefield, bringing along the fear to kill.
- a typical lady, from being soft-hearted to being hard-hearted.
- a warrior, after those 12 arduous years, is unable to recognise herself, as a lady.
(after the war, she observes her callused fingers, recalls herself as a warrior on the battlefield who had taken numerous lives, who no longer is a normal typical lady she has always wish to be)

Mulan is obliged to enter the army to take her father's place.

Mulan fought with fear, detesting the thought to kill.

Mulan has her emotional struggles, she needs to learn to let go.

Mulan is unable to get over the fact that the person she loves 'dies'.

Mulan pulls herself up and stands strong again.

Mulan drinks wentai's blood.

Mulan is back at her dressing table, back as a lady whom she could no longer recognise.

The war is over, sad or happy ending? u choose.

im sooooo happy to see good comments on MULAN in other people's blog. no, im not the one who stalked the blog sites ar... anyway, here are some links on the reviews of MULAN by singaporean viewers.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

what's life in her eyes.


time to time i will feel like watching wei's interviews. yes, not as frequent compared to the older days, but i still love it. its very nostalgic when i see her from the videos, its like it has been a great leap since i started to idolise her.

i always love her quotes. she is a deep thinker, a young yet old philosopher. why old? coz she gives me the feeling that she has gone through everything, overcame many obstacles. old but of the essence. i learn a lot from this future ‘大导演’ (a song from her recent album). she moved me from what she said.

en seems like her. but she is not as 'old' as wei, not literally ar though literally it is lar. :P

i guess no one will watch this lar. but i still post. hee...

Friday, November 20, 2009

a heart-warming movie

i will never get bored of such genres. watched it a few times already... kudos to the lil gal in the movie, she is one of the best child actors.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

preparing portfolio...

this is one of my assignments for 4D, the module which many of us spent the most effort and enjoyed working on.


bet most of u have seen this... edited a lil...


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

totally unexpected... @@

it was actually on tue, we had to present our drawings and had critique in class. we were to draw this big drawing of complex still life with good composition and it has to be harmonious, unified and balanced. varying line weight and tonal values to create contrast to be in consideration too.

i sort of misinterpret my teacher's instruction. i thought she wants those abstract looking (in other words, anyhow draw tat kind) and started to vandalise the paper. she wants to see good composition was what i thought. dislike it though (to vandalise on a big piece of paper and have the drawing look nice is not easy).

on mon night, i tried to retouch it by adding colours to the drawing using soft pastels. as i colour, the colour on the skull looked nice, after i finish it, i realise it sucks coz it looked flat and fake. heck, i cont to colour the flowers, hmm, looked not bad, then coloured the last one, screwed up. i looked at tat big piece of paper, it was 3am already, heck, rolled it up.

then tuesday morning, we were instructed to clip our drawings on a board. everyone gets the turn to critique and get critiqued. after seeing my classmates' realistic drawings, was sooo nervous and was waiting for lunch to come so that i can touch up. and yes, it was lunchtime but teacher bought pizza for us to 'dine in', dont dare to touch up liao... :(

so i waited for my turn and kept telling some of my friends that i felt so embarrassed. mine was the second last one to be critiqued. when it was brought out to the centre, i turned my head to look elsewhere whereas some of my friends 'wowed'. and this friend, rachel, looked so delighted when she saw my drawing and exclaimed 'i love this'. i was like 'what?!' @@ i told the friend in front of me to just shoot. yet she didnt criticise much but commented like 'good composition... i love the details on the head... the details on the vase is nice... the colours done on specific areas seem to tell something...' and my teacher added on its like some american art whereby the background is blurred to create a duno wat feel (the fact is, my drawing smudged).

(something like this i think)

but my teacher is just so smart, can see she knows the effect is unintentional. anyway, she still added on, if my drawing was to be framed, it would be nice being hung on the wall to see. rachel said the skull though fake, looks like some mexican art. she said its really cute...

(she showed me a book that looks something like this)

towards the end of critique, rachel came to me and tell me she's gonna take pic of my drawing. when lesson ended, i rolled up my drawing and just when i was about to fit it into the art tube, she shouted 'zhiwei, i want to take pic of urs!'. i was damn honored can.

after taking the pic, she told me that my drawing got character and how much she wanted to draw something like that but it doesnt come out to be as expected. and i told her i really value her comments as i see her as an artistic person whom i wish to be too (i mean it). and i really admired her as she is really critical and honest with her opinions when she herself has art background and is one of the better drawers in class.

i still dislike my this drawing for the fact that it wasnt intentional to be liked, i was totally embarrassed about it. i preferred the previous drawing which was well received by my friends (including rachel) and teacher.

(mum's chanting)

if i were given a chance, i will put in more effort in that drawing. im embarrassed at how one of my friends spent like 4 nights to do this while i did it in a few hrs. imo, to make me feel proud when complimented will only be when i really feel proud about my work. :/

Monday, November 9, 2009

ive gotta feeling~~~

that this afternoon is a good good afternoon~~~

welcome jason tang to ohana! we really had fun together, eating, playing, singing... and yes, it will be very heart-warming to see all ohanies bringing their partners during ohana gatherings in the future!

p.s bless this loving 小夫妻!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

sms from dad.

my dad sent an interesting msg... here it goes...

'Aft 4 days on ship, im on train now in Cairo, food very bad, think of laksa, bye'

lolx... miss him but i wouldnt say that. so mushy, im not like fel lo... she and her mum, i miss u, i miss u too... lolx

remember during june this yr, went australia with family friends. i guess its at movie world, i took the space shot ride with my friends. when we were at the top, my friend suggested we shout sth random. then they went 'i love u mummy' and some other stuff... i was very high too, i shouted 'i love daddy' i guess. then when we came down, i vaguely hear the adults discussing what we shouted... i got nervous, expecting them to hear nothing as we so high up... then my dad came to me and asked me what i shouted, i was so paisae and i said no lar, i didnt shout, its the others who shouted. then quickly walk off... lolx...

some of my friends can be so vocal in expressing their affection for their loved ones but i just couldnt say the 3 words... ha..

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

affection for loved ones.

days when dad is away, mum slogged in front of the sewing machine for hours. from morning till night...

my sis came home from work and decided to kaypo...

mum hasnt been working for around 2, 3 years since she suffered a mild stroke and has been recovering. so for all these years, she's alone at home with my maid, yati. dad knocks off in the evening and with dad's presence, mum will feel less lonely.

whenever i see these 2 ladies with nothing to do and staring into blank space, i feel sorry for them. at least mum has got dad's and her children's company after work/school, but not yati. how long hasnt she seen her family; her beloved husband, son, parents.

p.s ive always considered her as my half mum as i know she cares for me as much as she cares for her child.