Thursday, November 5, 2009

sms from dad.

my dad sent an interesting msg... here it goes...

'Aft 4 days on ship, im on train now in Cairo, food very bad, think of laksa, bye'

lolx... miss him but i wouldnt say that. so mushy, im not like fel lo... she and her mum, i miss u, i miss u too... lolx

remember during june this yr, went australia with family friends. i guess its at movie world, i took the space shot ride with my friends. when we were at the top, my friend suggested we shout sth random. then they went 'i love u mummy' and some other stuff... i was very high too, i shouted 'i love daddy' i guess. then when we came down, i vaguely hear the adults discussing what we shouted... i got nervous, expecting them to hear nothing as we so high up... then my dad came to me and asked me what i shouted, i was so paisae and i said no lar, i didnt shout, its the others who shouted. then quickly walk off... lolx...

some of my friends can be so vocal in expressing their affection for their loved ones but i just couldnt say the 3 words... ha..


  1. dont belittle these short, but powerful words! i feel that it's the most direct way of expressing your love to your papa and mama. Though action speaks louder than words, i still think your parents will feel rather stunned yet consoling to hear their own daughter saying "i ♥ you daddy/mummy!" de.. :) Say it while you still can. (Try? Start with your daddy 1st and send him that sms now!)

  2. lolx.. i cant do it... ppl have diff ways of expressing their love for their loved ones, including my parents to me.. since i was brought up this way, i dont think my parents expect me to do so, in fact, they will feel awkward bah... like if they suddenly say they miss me or love me i duno how to react sia...
