Tuesday, December 15, 2009

cutie pie

my niece siting, tingting.. she's so adorable! so far she only let me carry her once only... but ok lar, she only let and my mum and i carry her other than her family.. others dont allow.. haaaa...

then i saw her amused look when she saw my mum, i asked my uncle and he told me coz tingting likes her grandma, who is my auntie, she finds my mum like her grandma so she feels closer to her... ha..

and my ah ma, always grab her hand and i guess this irritates her.. lolx!


  1. haha yea she's really adorable! and u took so many photos of her?? lol haha next time u can take lots of photos of ur own kids=)

  2. yap i sure will take lots of pics of my kid provided she looks as adorable as tingting! haa.. and nxt time ur kid sure will be as cute as u! must bring her to my house so i can take spam my cam with ur kid's pics! haaa
