Monday, February 21, 2011

suddenly think of my ah ma dreamt about my uncle coming to visit her after 2 years... and i dreamt abt my sis coming home...

does my uncle sincerely want to see his parents? i hope my sis still love her family... :P

origin of suffering = attachment

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

it's like an addiction...

i have an addiction...
it isolates me away from the hectic world of problems...
it's an antidote to my fragile and confused heart...
as though all worries are gone and everything can be solved...
with it, i can then truly experience eternal happiness...
not the kind of transient happiness from superficial happenings...
i find myself being loved and protected in this addiction...

i find myself looking forward to this addiction every single day...

God Bless!

origin of suffering = attachment

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


really appreciated what u guys have done for me though some of u broke the no-present rule. but of coz, how would i bear to donate ur gifts away... thanks for everything people!

origin of suffering = attachment

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Talking while at Lalaland...

was so amused by what yati told me... i was supposed to wake up at 8.30am for 10am lesson this morning. i forgot to inform yati... i set alarm clock at 8.30 but failed to wake up. yati heard the alarm and called me.

yati: girl, wake up already.
me: *sub conscious* orh
yati: girl, got school anot?
me: no
yati: dreaming anot?
me: no
yati: your alarm rang, wake up.

sub conscious, i sat up on the bed.

yati: (walking out of room) ok, go brush teeth.
me: thank you. (for not disturbing my sleep? i wondered why i said thank you...?)
then i slumped down on the bed again.

like half an hr later my mum came back from her morning exercise, told yati i got to wake up for school, yati then rush to call me wake up at 9.15.

yati: girl, got school. 9.15 already, wake up.
me: *conscious* oh~~~

lolx... i always sleep talk and this is not the first time. on one night i told yati to wake me up the nxt day. the nxt morning when she nudged me to wake up, i was reluctant and she asked me if ive got school and i replied no. then when i woke up late, i asked yati why didnt she wake me up. that was the first time yati knows i sleep talk. then for other incidents when i said no school or anything, she will ask me if im dreaming. sometimes i am really conscious and said the right thing, and sometimes like this morning, i was really dreaming. @@

origin of suffering = attachment

Sunday, February 6, 2011


There are incidents which evoke some feelings in us and these feelings are usually not discovered in our mundane lives. These few days, i experienced a lot of these feelings that makes my heart warm...

1. In the B'day video i made for my sis, i requested my family members including yati to say something they wish to say to my sis. Everyone has different way of expressing their love for one another. My dad though seemingly the least expressing person at home gave his heartfelt speech, a father yearning for his daughter to come home soon.

2. Also, was surprised when my dad told me that he signed up for facebook. His reason is quite obvious to me. I kept updating him about sis posting some status and pics of her life in new zealand on facebook which he later got to know what it is. So he decided to signed up for facebook, something which he almost have no idea what it is.

3. My Ah ma dreamt about her youngest son coming to visit her. (my uncle hasnt come to see her for 2 yrs already, including this new yr). in her dream, she wanted to cook something for my uncle but realise there isnt much stuff to cook. Although my Ah ma has many children and grandchildren, the absence of just one son has made her feel that she's still lonely. I always thought my Ah ma is $$ minded, but i gradually realise that it's unfair to say that. yes, she does love money, but her children are as important. though she can be v. unreasonable and gossips, her genuine love and care for us is not overrated.

4. Usually when i edit my own videos, i tend to not have much emotions in it. in fact, feel v. sianz working on it. But for this B'day vid for my sis, it somehow touches me, which is quite unusual when im editing my own vid. Together with the music, it made me miss my sis even more that i almost cried. Though not like angie and yc who really cried... Hope my sis also felt the same thing and come back earlier... heh

It is most probably due to our mundane heart that i fail to notice love. i have always taken it for granted.

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