Sunday, April 25, 2010

my possession~~~ wee

dvd vs vcd (i prefer the vcd cover though, looks nicer overall)

dvd vs vcd (this i prefer the dvd cover)

thanks to max's 火眼晶晶 or rather, coincidental that he saw it, i found the long lost QSSYMM show. i thought it extinct long ago liao. went to west mall again the next day to purchase it together with HZGG. 2 for $30, relatively cheap compared to the QSSYMM vcd (pink cover) i bought 10 years back which cost $40 plus... The quality sucks, so i decided to invest in dvd instead.

OMG, just got the news that my relatives, 6 of them from Thailand coming this thur to visit. and my uncle said since ive finished exams by then, i should bring them around... oh my, this is my first time doing this, need help from fel liao. and the problem is i haven seen them before... my uncle wants me to bring them to UNIVERSAL STUDIOS! haa, then i told my uncle so ex, he said he will be paying~ hee... my 4th uncle is the one who always bring them around previously, but this weekday he will be working so cant fork out the time.


  1. i like this post! for the peekchures hahaha

  2. LOL I didnt noe u got relatives from thailand leh!!! how come u never see them before? so weird haha. yea sure i will help u! if u lost ur way or wat tell me ah:p

  3. haa, and thanks so much for adding to my collection with ur QSSYMM soundtrack! ;)

    thanks~~~~~ hee.. im gonna search high and low for that director's cut.

  4. hahaha no problem! you always help me with wei and en things leh :)

    and black rose this tue, GOT EN! michelle chong is damn talented la. haha she posed as both wei and en!
