Tuesday, April 20, 2010

bye bye foundation yr

today is the last lesson of yr 1. happy, coz have been anticipating specialisation~~~

of all foundation modules, i love drawing the best. it's a new found passion, and i can say it's our favourite professor (omg, spelt *professeur instinctively, it's french spelling. typed a few times before i got the correct one, my friend told me she spelt singapore the french way *singapour and i cant believe it until now...) who ignited the passion in me for drawing. have been playing with water colours and it's fun and not as dirty as pastels (sth like crayons). and sadly, she's gonna leave adm and we are all going to miss her...

and.. i have an ambitious idea to make one of the rooms in my future house a drawing room. means it will be a dirty room, like the drawing room in my school; charcoal, pastel, paint marks everywhere, mannequins, skeletons, random objects for still life drawing, even vandalism/graffiti on pillars, ... it will be so cool to have this room at home! so during leisure, i can still draw or paint or make myself dirty. heh...

water colour drawing (part of the piece)

share my self portraits

drawing done 1st week of school.

drawing done near last week of school.


  1. OMG REALLY LOOKS LIKE U LEH!! looks like ur drawing lessons at school very effective haha. u reall very pro lol!! help me draw one next time k haha.

  2. OMG I HAVE EXACTLY THE SAME RXN AS FEL :( (later she say i copycat!) Ohmy, i can see you really made an astounding improvement la! i hope next time you'll draw a family portrait of Ohana~ That'll be nice hor? :)

  3. Hahaha. There is really a contrast. 果然ADM是的!

  4. hey thanks all~ actually didnt want to post the first self portrait pic.. i look like a pig! omg... ha...
    i intend to draw u guys, u 2 say out liao... not fun~ ha..

    btw, drew my 2 idols, but not so successful.. lolx.. so i might draw u all like pigs ar... heh heh

  5. hahaha. really gt a lot of improvement. i used to be very lousy in drawing too. hahaha i also draw like disfigure ppl. lols. jia you jia you ! don't draw ppl like pig ok. hahaha although i know you are one. teach me how to draw! haha
