Wednesday, August 31, 2011



Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Friday, August 26, 2011

love, a stong word that can make one cry.

i was touched by my friends today. i felt loved when 2 friends cried for me over an issue. a long story during lesson which i shall not elaborate.

the aftermath:
one of my friends was discussing about it with other friends around and she said im like a '小绵羊' (we called each other lost sheep coz we are always quite blur) and said i might get bullied. then i saw her tears in her eyes. i chua tio and i asked her if she's gonna cry but she denied.

Another friend who was more antsy complained about the senior who caused this unhappiness (though i dont think he was at fault at all and he got his point). she said she had tried her best to argue with him and kept complaining about him all the way until we were in the bus. she suddenly broke down and cried, saying that she felt sad for me. she has all along been so strong and confident and suddenly became so weak and vulnerable.

i was so touched by them and the last time a friend (jiayin) cried for me was in sec 3, when i wasnt selected into the goh contingent. it was definitely an awkward yet lovely moment. but of coz this shouldnt be an expectation.

i had cried for friends and family before and when i did, i felt assured of my love, that i still care and not be desensitise to what my loved ones have experienced, for their experiences are my experiences.

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others


my sis has been wanting to buy a new dslr after fungus grew on her outdated canon. she did research and wanted to buy a nikon D7000. but im sooo relieved to have convinced her to buy a canon :P for its video quality (25fps), much better than e nikons (24fps). being one of the shareholders, i forked 25%.

tada! a 60D canon, recommended by filmmaker Philip Bloom too. too bad she rushes to buy the cam, if not i can do more research on which lens better to invest in :(

no dream 5DmII, a 60D is good enough for me liao... heee... start shooooooooting! bang bang

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Thursday, August 25, 2011

are u game?

yati's son, back in indonesia, smsed her some numbers to buy 4D...

3 months ago,
he gave her 2535 and 3545, 1st prize came out

last wk
he gave her 3145 and 3135, 1st prize came out

this wk
he gave her  7552 and 7662 came out

lolx... 神童功力退化了一点。i guess some ppl like us are not meant for gambling. i rem me winning and then losing the same amt of money on cny on 2 occassions... no net change, which is a good thing. ha

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Sunday, August 14, 2011

this is the first time...

... i'm making a public apology.

i'm sorry that i have been abusing technology, such as whatsapp, assuming that people receive the msges and dont bother to check if they have received the msg. or worse, forgetting to inform people and make them wait.

these few days, have upset quite a few people i guess.
sorry gl for replying u on whatsapp when u prob need an instant reply via sms.
sorry angie for replying u on whatsapp when i assumed u get to read my msges.
sorry yc for forgetting to keep u informed.

and of coz all e past mistakes which ive done and have just reflected upon and am deeply regretful.

seeing what people done wrong is the easier route.
i realise i could get a clearer view of why things are happening in a negative way when i thoroughly reflect on myself. 

this is also the first time im in dilemma about posting a post but it's one i wont regret posting. because this is not a post of pointing at others which i might feel bad after posting but a post that remind me i should always heal myself first to make me a better person.

for all the things that i have done that upset anyone,
please forgive me.
thank you.
i love you.

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Friday, August 12, 2011

guitare de concert

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Thursday, August 11, 2011

the art of seeing.


Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others