Tuesday, March 22, 2011


A friend's newborn baby passed away. the baby girl suffered from liver failure and struggled for like 3 mths of pain before her departure.

Her father's last words to her...
' ** we love you so much that words can't express. **, 你一切都还清了。。。Daddy & Mummy 永远爱你。要回来看我们'

你一切都还清了。 Words that ive never heard anyone say before. i feel it, it's probably the mercy of God to let her leave at this stage. There wouldnt be much emotional attachment that would make the heart more vulnerable.

origin of suffering = attachment


  1. sigh. 事事难料。有些人为工作烦恼,有些为爱情烦恼,有些则必须为生活下去而奋斗、担忧。


  2. Yea agree with u. Even though it has only been 3 months, but to the parents, the child is always a gift to them and they will always keep the memories of the child :)

  3. 是的~ we should learn to love...
