Tuesday, March 22, 2011


A friend's newborn baby passed away. the baby girl suffered from liver failure and struggled for like 3 mths of pain before her departure.

Her father's last words to her...
' ** we love you so much that words can't express. **, 你一切都还清了。。。Daddy & Mummy 永远爱你。要回来看我们'

你一切都还清了。 Words that ive never heard anyone say before. i feel it, it's probably the mercy of God to let her leave at this stage. There wouldnt be much emotional attachment that would make the heart more vulnerable.

origin of suffering = attachment

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Success?

Woohoo~~~ After Art History Presentation, the other scary project, Cinematography module advert project is done!

Was researching on lighting techniques the previous night until very late and slept at friend's hall. Was very stressed about the project as the self chosen role i got was the director of photography, a role which i would like to do but still have lil knowledge on. it's one of the key roles other than the director role and the art director role.

my director was telling me to not to be overpowered by shyan who is doing a smaller role and shyan was telling me to not to be controlled by the director and to stay firm in my decisions. some kind bros were giving the same advice too. this was really a test to my confidence when giving commands and to be decisive and firm in how and what i choose to frame. and i realise how important it is to be fully prepared and to have adequate knowledge on lets say the lights.

so so so much to learn, and no, im not giving up coz this passion will be burning incessantly!

my twin's awesome kitchen set. art director also not easy... too bad only managed to capture these few shots. was too stressed and busy to digress...

origin of suffering = attachment

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Burning or Burnt?

When i think that i have the passion to do something, do i really persist? or do the passion dies down, worse, burnt?

Passion, a word so dreamily beautiful yet so misleading...

We always say we regret doing something or regret making a choice cause we realise it is not what we exactly want.

Sometimes, probably it's not about the burnt passion but more of am I doing enough to revive the passion? I would want to keep the passion burning, not seeing it burnt and choose to give up.

Previously, was talking about this anime, 'Whisper of the Heart' and how it managed to find its way into my heart. This girl who has the passion to be a writer and she writes and writes and after hearing the comment of an old man, she realises she cant succeed with her standard. The old man told her. 'Having the passion to do something is not enough, you can't imagine how much work you have to do to reach there.'

So whenever I feel that my passion is nearly burnt, I tell myself it's because I haven't put in the painful tremendous effort that I cannot imagine how big it is and I haven't learn to cultivate the interest for something I see as my passion.

Ironic as it seems, but I guess like photography, once I know the rule, I know how to and can break it. This is a healthy attachment I would say ;)

origin of suffering = attachment