Thursday, November 18, 2010

what should you do? the love guru is in u.

its always a good qtn to ask yourself when u witness unpleasant stuff... when u see someone fall, when u see people being discriminated due to their race, capabilities, what should you do?

our angie is a good role model wor... there was one day when she saw an old man vomiting in the bus and there arent anyone around who did anything to help, some people even shunned. she stood up and approached the bus driver to ask for assistance. though neither angie nor the driver could do anything about it, at least a small act of kindness, an initiative was made.

if i were there? i would most probably be the passive bystander too. i watch the 'what should you do' series and learned about the term called 'bystander effect'. the more the witnesses, the less probability that someone will stand up to help coz ppl assume the victim will be helped. how sad is that? and no doubt im guilty about it.

was so touched by the heroes and heroines i see in the videos. there are even scenarios where a life can be threatened. this video on hate crime shows the footage of 3 teenage american actors attacking a guy of a different race, using no weapons. many people just walked past. and when everything seemed bleak, a car passed by and stopped. a woman came out, without any man accompanying her, she alone approached the 3 teenagers and told them to stop. what exactly overcame her? her selflessness came from her instinct, without asking herself, she knows what she should do when she sees something like that. not only is she the victim's heroine, she's my heroine too.

the inspiring videos teach us to spread your love not only to our loved ones but beyond them, to even strangers. i will start learning to.

p.s thanks girls for appreciating my food! though it probably doesnt taste really good, at least i know i put effort in it and will continue to!

origin of suffering = attachment

Monday, November 15, 2010

love love love

im in love~~~ not with someone but with everyone whom i love~ hee

yc randomly showed me many chinese character wallpapers on her handphone and asked me which one i like. there are 孝,忠,诚,礼,义,信 etc etc... and what i chose was 爱. my explanation was i feel that everyone needs to know to love, even if to our parents, if u love them u will be filial to them, if u love your friends, u will be true to them.

actually thought of thanking gl... she's always expressing her love to her friends, even to those whom she regreted sms-ing due to some reasons. but i think it's very applaudable, it takes courage to do that and she did it. even though her friend didnt reply, at least gl made the effort to msg her to send her regards. it was this little action of sms-ing a friend that makes me realise that there is a friend out there whom i have yet to show that i still care for her, someone whom i once had petty conflicts, cold war with.

right after the chat with gl, i re-added that friend who had deleted me due to my pettiness on facebook and i sent her a msg: 'its time u shud be back on my fb! haa.. actually missed the times when u used to nag me :P' was quite concerned that she probably wouldnt accept my friend request, but she accepted afterall~ thank you! :P

origin of suffering = attachment

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Camera, Lights, Action?

this is the line before we shout action. Camera ready, Lights ready, Action?

i'm always lag in action... everything is ready, is thrown to me, but im not ready, i am not taking action.

ive got so much to do, so much to learn as well as so much to prove that im capable of something. we are loved by god (dont need to be a christian to believe in god) and i believe he will give us chances to prove ourselves but when chances are thrown to us, remember to take ACTION!

origin of suffering = attachment

Sunday, November 7, 2010

We Are Ohana !!!

origin of suffering = attachment

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

dream/ deja vu = past life events?

i love to chit chat with yati, always get to hear interesting things...

this afternoon, i randomly told her about my dream, i said i dreamt about being an item with the guy i like in school. hee

then yati told me her story about how she dreamt about her husband (whom at that time she hasnt seen him before). then a mth after her dream, she saw the same guy she dreamt at her workplace and the guy started to talk to her... and he turns out to be a very very good husband...

(omg, she just told me so much shocking stuff, and i tell u its really shocking... and its real life DEATH experience! she once died for 6 hrs!)

somethings random: realise my maid know quite a gd no. of vocab eg. primitive, materialistic, amnesia, premature, alternative @@

i know she's someone special and its our fate that brought us together to help each other.
sometimes dont underestimate the people u hang out with and can click very well, these ppl might have very special r/s with u in the past life.

p.s will have another post talking about this. im so eager to talk abt it and abt yati's encounter. so do support by reading! hee

origin of suffering = attachment

Monday, November 1, 2010

Delayed monthly Donations

Red Cross Humanity logo

The last one was on September. We missed the October donation, but it's ok, we can donate more for this one. This one here is a bigger project in terms of his disaster scope.

take a look at this!

Sms me the sum u are donating. do let the guys know about this too!

Shall make this more systematic for current and future donation drives. im sure the gals visit blogs almost everyday, as for the guys, will sms to let them know about the donation drives. So if no sms reply prob within one wk from post date, i shall go ahead with what i have~

So do reply me via sms if u eagerly wanna donate and the sum u are donating! ;)

origin of suffering = attachment