Tuesday, August 3, 2010

a good example to follow.

yati was given a chance to learn english. my mother registered her for lessons every tuesday. she's really serious about learning -- she checks up the dictionary if not inquires us on her doubts.

her english malay dictionary.

the lessons are held in mainly chinese to cater to the majority. yati had to translate the english sentences to malay.

i always see her preparing for her lessons. Due to the limited chances she's given before then, she treasured every opportunity to learn. We have the luxury to choose what we want to learn yet we are always the ones who don't cherish what we are given. I still have a lot to learn from yati.


  1. I totally agree! we are very lucky to receive an education but we like take for granted at times!

  2. This entry is in preparation of the incoming semester! haha.

  3. should aspire it to be preparation for challenges everyday~~~ haa..
