Monday, August 23, 2010

the mouth of all evil.

koh zhi wei! u have 2 ears and just one mouth! but why are u talking soooo much?!
and im not a lizard, i have ears to listen~~~ prob if i listen more, i will seem to do less talking?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

lost opportunity.

i gave up the main comm publicity post. sighhh... though i really hope i could take up the role that will allow me to acquire much valuable experience and skills. but it's just that i'm not prepared and not confident of myself (that's what i told the president). besides this reason, it's also coz i was told by a senior doing film that year 2 is a terrible yr, and even weekends will be burned. furthermore, we need capital for filming which means ive got to cont' tuition so as to be able to pay for my misc fees... i can more or less foresee what's gonna befall on me soooon...

ya, i do know opportunities don't come by easy, but i know my limitations, i know what i'm capable and not capable of. so as for now, would rather self upgrade than to not perform up to expectations.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Edith Piaf - Non je ne regrette rien

Just watched 'Inception' today and the ending of 'Repoman' is really similar to the inception concept thing, too bad it's not emphasised.

hey, a quiz for those who had watched 'Inception' and still have it fresh in mind. Find the song below familiar? Is the lady in this video, who acted as Edith Piaf(a very famous french singer in the 30s)in 'La vie en rose' familiar? who is she in 'Inception'?

*more of her profile scenes at the later half ;)>

Sunday, August 8, 2010


what's the similarity between defenseless animals and the jews? they are beings who are have no say and go by the will of the superior group.

it is difficult not to have the idea of becoming vegetarian after watching the documentary, 'earthlings' that yc introduced to me... it lasts for one and half hrs, but it only take me the first 20 minutes to cry so hard that i cant remember when was the last time i did that.

had a thought about being vegetarian few yrs back after watching some videos on animal testing, but i didnt do it. im probably not disciplined enough to even think about it. but i guess baby steps works. anyway, to those who are trying hard to advocate vegetarian diet, jiayou! i will look up to u ;)

p.s the documentary is highly influential, for a good cause.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

a good example to follow.

yati was given a chance to learn english. my mother registered her for lessons every tuesday. she's really serious about learning -- she checks up the dictionary if not inquires us on her doubts.

her english malay dictionary.

the lessons are held in mainly chinese to cater to the majority. yati had to translate the english sentences to malay.

i always see her preparing for her lessons. Due to the limited chances she's given before then, she treasured every opportunity to learn. We have the luxury to choose what we want to learn yet we are always the ones who don't cherish what we are given. I still have a lot to learn from yati.