Tuesday, December 29, 2009


my loving parents~~~ 老夫老妻多恩爱啊~
dad is teaching mum to sing (my mum's singing is really horrible!) i duno why and when she started to have the interest in singing when all along it is my dad who always karaoke during leisure. anyway, she took singing lessons and my dad is her mentor.

i have to admit my mum looks cute and intelligent with the 老花眼镜...

Monday, December 28, 2009

im back after sooo long~~~

busy watching clips of wei, old ones, new ones, movies, dramas everything~~~ back to blogging! aiya, these few weeks have been taking pics, anything that i feel like taking, just tat too obsessed with other stuff... :P

22 Dec 09 Tue
shall blog abt 冬月初七 冬至
hmm, actually i duno the significance of it, and only know when is it when i see my grandma knead flour to make little balls the previous night, ya, those bounce bounce balls and not something else :P

my grandma, cousin and maid in action... kinda sad... im part of the crew almost every year. but since my maid is more diligent, let her take my role lo. ha... actually its coz im too glued to my laptop lar... heh~

the previous day, the sky was really pretty, love the sunset, the depressing look (im not the depressing kind though)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

cutie pie

my niece siting, tingting.. she's so adorable! so far she only let me carry her once only... but ok lar, she only let and my mum and i carry her other than her family.. others dont allow.. haaaa...

then i saw her amused look when she saw my mum, i asked my uncle and he told me coz tingting likes her grandma, who is my auntie, she finds my mum like her grandma so she feels closer to her... ha..

and my ah ma, always grab her hand and i guess this irritates her.. lolx!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

YOG presentation

last friday (4 Dec), we had to present our YOG sculptures exhibited in a hall at adm. i have something to share with u guys but not so soon though.

anyway, pictures by a photographer of adm. spot me.. hee ;)

Saturday, December 5, 2009


just wanna say i love u guys! i care about how u ppl feel and really wish the best for all of u. dont think too much for those of u who are, think with a positive mind! be optimistic!

no matter what, stay firm, stay strong. unless u crush yourself, the sky wont crush down on u.

lamp-post exclaims, "im strong and firm, are u?"