Monday, September 26, 2011


I guess I'm often seen as a brother by these fellow classmates who can talk about very sensitive and explicit issues to me without thinking im actually a lady and i usually just laugh it off.
One always hit me at the arms, knock hard onto me, like what guys usually do.
The other is very open when he talks to me, can even direct vulgarities at me, yet is the most brotherly one, who always find opportunities for me.
Last one, whom ive set my eyes on treats me more like lady and likes to call out to me just to tell or perform silly things to entertain me.
In return, i always slap them hard at their arms... do it like a dude??

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Friday, September 23, 2011

antidote please!

it's only a wk that's he's absent from school for a film workshop, in fact only a few days, ive started to think about him...

when im wondering if he will be in school this morning for a lesson when his workshop is in the afternoon, i saw him in his car leaving with another friend. i purposely walked towards his direction but act as if i didnt see him. what's next, he surprised me by winding his car window down just to shout out 'zhiwei!'. i waved and felt so gd :P

in documentary class, i grouped with 2 seniors. this guy senior randomly asked if i like any guys in my batch. the other senior cut in to say, shyan lo. i looked at her, shocked. then she saw my expression and told me it's a wild guess! i was speechless, and that's how these 2 seniors got to know abt my secret that non of my close film frenz know. :/

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

so many random thoughts...

1. eye candy is so cute!! cant take my eyes off him. :D
2. 16mm 'red bull fighter' tvc shoot is a success!  :)
3. ive learnt to read the street directory! :)
4. im still a road hazard :(
5. enjoyed yellow ribbon prison run with fellow mates! :D
6. im touched to have a great bro who always jio me for impt roles in shoots. :D
7. i destroyed ppl's car :(
8. upcoming 'HIV' competition shoot location is at my house. :)
9. 10 mins to my targeted timing of 55mins for 10 click :)
10. directing prof is not as scary as i thought! :)

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Friday, September 16, 2011

another lovely night...

what a lovely cold night...
in the process of searching, i hope i dont lose myself again...

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

a cold and warm night.

it was a cold cold night. after a tiring class on wed, at 9.30pm, i took a train to changi airport. it was 2 weeks after her b'day and i had sent her a b'day msg reminiscing those days in primary school and how lovely were those memories. the feeling was weird, i felt so strongly at that point of time i started to miss her.

at the airport, we were at a cafe while her parents were at the other side of e cafe chatting by themselves. she never fails to educate me in a short conversation of half an hr. 12.30am, before entering the gates, she hugged us. i was so touched when she hugged her parents - her mum whispered in her ears and smiled fondly at her; her dad hugged her tightly and kissed her at her cheek. the sight was so heart warming that i almost cried.

she's starting her second year in University of Edinburgh and there are 4 more years, including this yr till she finishes her studies and 2 years more of apprenticeship. which makes it 6 more years...

Dear Jane, 9 more months to june and we shall meet again~ ;)

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

on casting...

I have problems with selecting actors... prob im too compromising and too naive... i guess it's a fact that some ppl just aint a performer, and it will prob take yrs to train them to be one... while i was having much headache on selecting my cast, the thought of having en in my film got stronger. how great would it be if en agrees to act for me and my job as a director would be so easy...

oh well, even without en i can also survive with good actors. i got to search... ;)

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Thursday, September 8, 2011


yay! a friend gonna teach me play 'Creep' by Radiohead~~~ got friend who plays the drum too, im so gonna form a band! :P

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Monday, September 5, 2011


the eagerness to match-make ppl when im one spinster myself is coming up again... the more i chat with this nice guy, the more i feel he is suitable for this nice girl... heeeee...

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

more than words...

i got to learn to be more sincere coz it's the only real thing that is able to transcend everything... everything...
even at my worst, at least i know the very heart is real...

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others