Saturday, April 16, 2011


i managed to be early for tuition and was happy about it until i looked out of the window of the bus, it was raining heavily. i prayed to God to allow the rain to stop, but it didnt. i smsed the parent to tell her i have been waiting for 15 mins for the rain to stop and will be late. she told me to get on to a bus that will bring me nearer to her house and she will fetch me from the bus stop.

she came to pick me up without a tinge of grudge but with a smile. when we reached her house she gave me paper towel to wipe myself and then surprised me with her actions. she said my pants were wet and took a towel and wiped them for me. then she made me a cup of hot milo. i felt so loved by this caring mother and from what i remember, only yati would treat me like this. my mum loves me in a violent way. haa...

after tuition, she still treat me with italy chocolates! what did i do to deserve this love? i should learn to appreciate what im given and i guess, that's the purpose of the rain.

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others


  1. Sorry for not going to save you!

  2. its ok~ teach me a lesson to bring umbrella wherever i go~ ha
