Friday, January 14, 2011

Went to a War.... @@

helped out for 2 seniors' FYP films, and i can say this war film is as expected, fun!!! i was shocked when i heard someone is doing a war film as i wouldnt think that ADM-ers will do sth like this. who knows, maybe i shall do sth bombastic for FYP too. oO it's basically a guy's film where there are 30 plus cast and crew who are guys and the pathetic 5, 6 gals... i was in charged of art direction under a handsome senior. we created explosions, smoke etc at the site. talking abt smoke, the guys really love to smoke and i chua tio when someone actually offered me a bud. @@

have been admiring this yr 3 senior... looks average, another one with long hair and he is damn zai, reputable in adm film. he always has this weird smile when he talked to me, even when it's abt serious work, which makes him charming... actually started admiring him when i know abt his talents and reputation in film. he did many outside projects and even did mv for 陈美心. gradually, attracted to his aura... ha... i wore his personal gloves that he offered to me and i joked to my friend, i prob could have the 'touch of ben'. people give him names such as this coz he's v. gd at post production editing, one touch to do wonders. i realise my eye candies are people who are zai, capable, charming...

anyway, apart from all these idolising, ive learnt quite some stuff abt production, the seniors are really v. professional and knows clearly what they are doing. make up is part of the art directing and now i know the formula for fake blood and how to do make up like this... what a great chance to learn wonderful stuff!

origin of suffering = attachment


  1. Hey it all look very real! We can use the blood formula for ohana horror film.

    Oh, i hope your senior sees this post. He'll be happy to know he has a little fan! :)

  2. lolx! yeah man! and that victim got to suffer... coz that stuff is sticky and sweet coz one of the ingredients is pi pa gao... and best, its edible so our horror film can have ppl cough blood ;) and since fel would love to act, prob the nxt film can consider her :P

    lolx... lil fan... im just 3 yrs younger...

  3. Zhuzhu. I really think it's a remarkable effort by your seniors leh! Worry not, your turn will come in 2 years time :)

  4. haha i cant act in horror film la!! will keep on laughing lol.

  5. lolx... can lar, u face is horriying enough ;)
