Sunday, January 16, 2011

Aftermath of the War... Scene 2... Action!

today was the final scene of 'The Line', the war film. producing this film is v. intense due to the bad weather and this ulu place where we got to trekked a distance into this dilapidated small room which is near the railway tracks at bouna vista. we set up the lights and made slight smoke again, this time for the dusty effect in the room.

director on the chair and cameraman testing the shots...

he's preparing a diy pump, connecting the compressor to make... as shown below!

blood splatter! this is a trial splatter and its damn real can!! the diy pump was made by the director!

duno what's the role of this lady in the show but what i know is she is the survivor of the film, holding on the most crucial thing...

this is the film's director who also has a role as a commando whom i assume is a baddie in his film... our art director told us that he is v. passionate about doing combat films and has been doing such films previously, and finally build up to this current one... thumbs up...

i once asked if he is good at lights that's why he is always seen doing the lights and they replied he is good at everything about film, and lights is what he is particularly interested in.

the guy who is gonna be...

and there it goes! 1 shot 1 kill! the pump didnt let us down, love the splatter that was created, so real!

and, it's a wrap! but sadly, not exactly coz we got to transport those bulky and heavy stuff, which are mainly the lights, stands to support the lights, sand bags etc along the muddy paths to the production van parked at a distance away from the film site. @@ shooting today was very short but the setting and clearing up was really tedious.. yc and angie had witnessed the tragic state i was in and laughed at me when they see me wash my dirty legs...

but overall, a very very awesome experience with the seniors~ has been learning v. useful stuff along the way... and hope i can be as zai as my seniors in yrs to come!!! thanks to lovely ohanies who have been supporting me, be it at the screening or acting for my film... i will not let u all down ;)

origin of suffering = attachment

Friday, January 14, 2011

Went to a War.... @@

helped out for 2 seniors' FYP films, and i can say this war film is as expected, fun!!! i was shocked when i heard someone is doing a war film as i wouldnt think that ADM-ers will do sth like this. who knows, maybe i shall do sth bombastic for FYP too. oO it's basically a guy's film where there are 30 plus cast and crew who are guys and the pathetic 5, 6 gals... i was in charged of art direction under a handsome senior. we created explosions, smoke etc at the site. talking abt smoke, the guys really love to smoke and i chua tio when someone actually offered me a bud. @@

have been admiring this yr 3 senior... looks average, another one with long hair and he is damn zai, reputable in adm film. he always has this weird smile when he talked to me, even when it's abt serious work, which makes him charming... actually started admiring him when i know abt his talents and reputation in film. he did many outside projects and even did mv for 陈美心. gradually, attracted to his aura... ha... i wore his personal gloves that he offered to me and i joked to my friend, i prob could have the 'touch of ben'. people give him names such as this coz he's v. gd at post production editing, one touch to do wonders. i realise my eye candies are people who are zai, capable, charming...

anyway, apart from all these idolising, ive learnt quite some stuff abt production, the seniors are really v. professional and knows clearly what they are doing. make up is part of the art directing and now i know the formula for fake blood and how to do make up like this... what a great chance to learn wonderful stuff!

origin of suffering = attachment

Monday, January 10, 2011

On my 21st of Birthday, my true love send to me...

Strictly no gifts... coz we are gonna do something big! If you are dying to spend money, you are strongly encourage to contribute to our Ohana fund! This will be a mega drive and you guys can suggest where shall we channel it to... plus the previous funds from angie, gl, zr which is still with me~~~ p.s All gifts received shall be donated! :P

Among all practicality of gifts that Ive always wanted on my birthday, I guess I will receive the most practical gift on my 21st! ;)

origin of suffering = attachment

How far are you...

... from your dream?

I watched a Japan anime 'Whisper of the Heart' by Yoshifumi Kondo for my film project. It covers a very realistic context, a bit ambiguous, probably because it deals with something very intangible.

It is about this girl who knows of a guy who repairs violins and is very good in playing it as well. The girl gradually admires him for his talents especially one day when he got a offer from a prestigious school of music. After he left to pursue his studies overseas, the girl felt very empty. Initially I was thinking what is it that made her feel this way, is it because of love? I felt something more, she feels very distant from him, physically and spiritually.

Seeing the achievements of the guy, she aspires to follow his footsteps. Aspiring to be a writer, she writes all day long, neglecting school and tests. She brought her draft to the guy's grandfather to review, and he tells her try again next time. She breaks down as she feels very demoralised, very lost. Calmly, the old man replied, 'To do something well, not only must you have interest in it, you must be prepared to put in lots of effort and not fear obstacles'. Though it's a very simple line, at that point of time, when you ponder deeper into the words, you can actually feel very empty. I suppose that's what the girl is feeling.

It sets me thinking about what I aspire to achieve and how far am I from it... Will I persist or will I fall behind?

origin of suffering = attachment