Thursday, June 17, 2010

nostalgia attack

went to yy's house course yc said she wanna play his piano. gl and i were slacking on the sofa while yy was playing a melodious piece for yc... so sweet... heh... unable to suppress the nostalgia inside me, i joined them too, requesting yy to teach me, or rather once again familiarise myself with the notes on the score. and it's really magical at that moment after warming myself up, i felt i was back as a kid, practising an unfamiliar piece.

it has been near 10 years i haven't been touching the piano. i quitted at grade 3 course i dislike going to lessons in a group, or more likely an excuse for my lack of passion towards the instrument. A few yrs ago, due to space constraint, i were persuaded to sell the piano and my dad said he probably will buy a keyboard. i bought a drama songs score book, hoping to get my foot back in playing the piano.

that night, i returned home and told my dad i wanna buy a keyboard. usually he remained silent, that's normal. then sis and i always continue harping on the things we wanna buy and observe his facial expression. looked ok, then i added on 你知道啦,我那么男人,爬山爬这个爬那个,要懂一点音乐才不会显得那么粗鲁。我学这个其实是为未来做打算,要女人一点才会有人要我,才能嫁出去咯。my dad then smiled a little, amused. hee... then i said keyboard not very ex bah? like less than a thousand? he answered got cheap got ex de lo, depends on quality.

from his willingness to respond, can interpret that buying a piano is still not out of question, there's a possibility. things that he die die wont buy will be like rollar skates which i eventually bought behind his back when i was P6? that time he rather buy a discman which cost thrice the rollar skates. but ya, i wont force him to buy things like i did when i was a kid. see how lo, no matter how old am i, i will always pursue the things that i want to do.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

enjoying every single moment of life!

finally, 1 wk plus of heavily packed schedule has come to an end, and im back at home, back to my familiar bed. most of the activities are randomness, but they coincidentally fit nicely in my packed schedule. though i missed home, and my With You episodes, i had enjoyed the adventure - starting from the first night out.

27 May 10, Thur - first night at city square mall.
Pumpfest'10 manpower brief. Pumpfest sub comm, that's us, the I.Cs. im the I.C for photo booth... taught the helpers how to use mac, put pics into template and print them out. afraid im not able to wake up for the event tmr, i decided to sleep over.

29 May 10, Sat - second night at airport.
we welcome our max back~~~ all of us stayed over, together with zhuang~ it was definitely lovely night out with ohanies! angie and i conveniently headed to Pumpfest event next sunday morning~
zai bo?! these climbers are really awesome! climb with poise and grace~
Pumpfest'10 a success! hooray! thanks to all odac helpers!!!

30 May 10, Sun - third night in school.
logistic stuff to settle. mattresses, tiles etc etc... so many stuff!
this mattress is damn damn heavy! i tried carrying it with like 7 other guys! imagine how heavy!
the place where im sitting is the place where i slept for the night. how narrow!

31 May 10, Mon - fourth night at max's house.
Pumpfest'10 3 day event is finally over! back home from school, took a nap and headed to max's house for steamboat! it's like a taste of sweetness after so much hard work!

this trip is very last min, confirmed it during the last day of Pumpfest which was on Sunday. was already interested in this trip but missed the registration day. coincidentally, my friend sprained her ankle and wanted me to replace her~ viola! the sleep in the train is shiokness! air conditioned, beds, accompany, what more can u ask?!
first time rafting. it's really cool, but yeah, not as thrilling as i thought it would be.
after our outdoor dinner, it's definitely a pleasure looking at this starry starry night and having random chats with friends.

2 June 10, Wed - sixth night in tent, kkb.
rise and shine! angie's and my friend said the first thing in the morning when he saw our tent, he broke into laughter... it's really amusing how our clothes (not us!) had done to our tent... heh...
our wonderful tent! woots! ha... out clothes soaked with rain water of previous night which resulted in the distorted tent. lucky the water didnt reach us, another guy in the tent kena instead.. ha
what a nice morning for a hike!
let's jump! little things that caught my attention. don't underestimate the beauty of nature~~~

3 June 10, Thur - seventh night at angie's house.
we cabbed down from kranji station to angie's house. next morning had to head back school for store washing, so angie suggested i go her house stayover. this was the first time angie entertained me with weird stories of her family members like her dad sleeps with his rod and aunt bites people and i have to be quiet if not her dad will come out with his rod hitting and aunt biting me (still laughing!). and how she torture her little animals, making pi chiu do hand stand and resting her own legs on mushroom! haaa!
angie's neighbourhood. she noticed that the moon is hanging so low, a really strange phenomenon. to prove that we are not seeing things due to fatigue, i took a pic~

4 June 10, Fri - eighth night at jason's house.
sent our dear fel fel and tsu hui off to UK! happy holidays for them! stayed over coz i have to see my family friend off the next morning (i didnt manage to wake up anyway). was thinking of staying over at the airport again but this time no one wants to. jason suggested we go his house, so near airport, so why not. this paranoid angie of coz had to come along... ha
we totally lost it! haaa!
our official bf shirt! oops...
randomness is fun!!! credits to mac photo booth! ;)

5 June 10, Sat - ninth night in the east, cycling.
another random activity which angie invited me the previous day, together with trek comm. and i suggested to her to ask jason along too so that i wont be the only one that seemed extra... ha... but anyway, having known almost all the trek comm ppl, and there're ppl like peak sia, definitely can click! angie persuaded me to go, tempting me with food stations that we would be passing by. and ive always like night cycling since the first one with sec scool frenz!
wow, now then i realise the harmonious colour! national day!

what an adventure! after Sat night, finally, home sweet home!!!