Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hollywood Awards!

i heard from the news saying that Universal Studios will be selling Director's Cut. that black and white thing which directors use to say 'action' & 'cut'. i really like it coz it looks professional. so when fel told me she's there, i requested her to help me find, but she told me there are only printed ones, as in, the Director's Cut is printed on like files, laptop cover etc.

i bu gan xin, so searched high and low for it at the retail shop but really couldn't find. so i bought something else instead.

able to guess who am i giving them to? 2 options... hee.. why 'best director'? coz someone is aspiring to be a future director...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i 知道! correct got prize for me? heehee :D

  3. i know i know! for ZHAO WEI RIGHT! hahahaha.

  4. lolx... collen, u want me to present u best fan prize? too bad didnt get that.. ha

    ah mok very clever seh~!

  5. aiya of cos im getting it lar! best actress right? :D
