Saturday, February 27, 2010

hope to see u sooooon!

our tooty moments... (i look horrifying... click on the pic at ur own risk)

jane 走了,她飞去sydney了,不留一点痕迹。。。

she did told me she's flying on 11Feb, but im so forgetful, on 21st Feb i asked her on msn what time is her flight tmr. i remembered the wrong date... (at least i wont forget her b'day and will wish her in time~) and she didnt remind me, prob coz she thought i wont care, but the fact is, i really wanted to see her off at the airport... now that she has left for sydney, to pursue her studies, then i realise how much i miss her...

and im a lousy friend i realise. when we were in P4, it's always her who took care of me, treat me with food and stuff on random occasions, let me copy her work, bring me out with her family to swim, eat or movies. i enjoyed the time spent with her but i did little in return.

and these years, i rarely initiate meet-ups, also coz she's busy with her stuff, but if im really a gd friend, i should have keep asking until she finds the time. she gave me her blog address like 3 or 4 yrs ago but it was like non-existent to me coz i didnt bother to read blogs. until i started reading close friends' blogs, i remembered hers.

just read her blog... there's this post in Dec 08.

At night, I called Zhi Wei and we had a talking marathon. Lol, we talked for like 3 hours straight until I almost had sore throat again, haha. I talked until super tired, worse than when Eirene spammed me with Bio mcq questions the night before mcq paper. But it was a good time spent!! We really really patched up all the missing gaps here and there and understood each other once again and our choices made in life, ever since we parted in Primary 4, and in sec 2 (once again).

how i wish we still have more 3 hrs to spare.

bye bye Jane! im sure to meet u up in june when u come back for holidays!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

donating blood~

was it last month? forgot, but i successfully donated blood which i failed to in JC. angie was the other way round, succeeded to in JC but failed to this time. same problem, vein not turgid enough.

scary or not?
seriously, blood donation is not scary at all! people will say 'wah, so brave' and things like that. but i can tell u, there's no need to be brave at all sia. the only part which i truly feel the pain is when they check ur blood (poking ur finger). the poking is not pain, it's after that that u feel a tinge of pain and of coz doesnt last long and it is so small that ur wound closes up very quickly. the main needle that poke through ur vein for the donating is nothing at all coz they give u the anaesthetic shot. though there are 3 pokes in all, the only tinge of pain is at the finger.

why donate?
to me, besides knowing that donating blood helps people, i donate blood also to experience. im really curious about how's the process like, and to know if it is that scary. but ya, the sole purpose is to save lives!

cannot find vein?
oh, about the unable to donate part. basically we all fit the requirement if recently we are not sick, not anaemic and bla. how to make sure they find ur vein! at the first 'checkpoint', the nurse checked my blood pressure then find vein, then she said too soft, cant really find. was v. scared that i fail the 2nd attempt but she said its ok, squeeze the pressure ball while waiting (the filling form and waiting time like ard 20 mins while the donating time is only like 10mins). so i keep squeezing that pressure ball while waiting. when i was on the bed, the nurse checked the vein and said 'good'! and i looked at my vein, wow, first time see my vein so turgid and visible.

oh, lastly, there are also freebies and free refreshments~ :P

this is the cute cute squeeze ball. i love the pins with the blood type. they say take 1 but i take all 4 for collection and got stared at :P

after donation, the nurse took this pink band and smiled at me and say 'pink!' (she assumes most girls like pink) i smiled back at her forcefully -_-'' wanted to request for blue but i guess that's for guys?

they gave us 10 iron tablets to replenish blood content. i read a book on ancient china where those poor villagers sell their blood to earn money. they eat pork liver to replenish their blood.
so different from now, we donate, not sell blood, we take iron tablets and not pork liver.

tiny weeny hole. a bit bruise around. at JC, saw a ball player's arm having a large patch of bruise. she was crying in pain. i was thinking coz she played ball game after donating blood which is silly. no vigorous exercise!

Every donation saves 3 lives! wanna collect some good karma? do sign up at the next donation drive! ;)