Tuesday, February 3, 2009

gambling day~ 初一

GIF animations generator gifup.com

GIF animations generator gifup.com

GIF animations generator gifup.com

(credits to sis for pics)

Monday, February 2, 2009

did my spring cleaning only on the cny eve. quite rushed, but still efficient, in fact i like doing things at the last min. :X anyway, digged out some interesting stuff during spring cleaning, things which i know have existed yet kept in some dark corners for n years.

according to the 'oldness' of the item,

# item 1: (1996?) diary cum miscellaneous-purpose book. i remembered copying essays from an essay book into this book. now, i wonder why i did that...

# item 2: (1997?) pencil cap (just for adding decoration to the dull pencil) which i kept for like 10 years already but havent really used it?
# item 3: (1998) miniature toys which is one of my fav. collectible when i was young. i remembered i even plead my dad to buy a bunch of those miniature umbrellas and he did.

# item 4: (2000) love hello kitty when i was young, collected a lot of hello kitty stuff, this is one of them.
# item 5: (2001) children's day gift from the school. i miss school life in jurong primary...

# item 6: (2003): my precious wei chain given to me by wei fan, mo mo jie. it was a really great gift!

# item 7: (2004?) sadly, ive forgotten much about origami. i think i still remember the lotus as it involves flipping and folding only, easy. i remembered i was damn good in folding cranes.

these lil stuff follows me, and will always be part of my many memories.

uncle proud to be who he is now.

my 1st uncle called me on the 21st of jan when i was at work, breaking the happening news about her new-born granddaughter. he came to our house 3 days later, full of smiles, asked my sis and i to visit the lil girl. of cause, we were so eager to see her.

peeping at us while we were peeping at her when she's having her nap?

i really didnt know babies can wink.

she's so sweet...

(credits to sis for the pics)

on the other hand, i were quite curious about how their bunny felt about having a new member in the family. will she feel neglected? and damn, my cousin urged me to carry it, telling me she wont bite, my uncle chorused. contradictorily, my aunt said it will bite. to play safe, i refused to carry it.

bunny seems so lonely...