Wednesday, June 22, 2011









below looks cheesy but im loving it :P

zhi - from a vegetarian cafe :P

yc - love dessert

angie - from Tom's Palette Ice Cream? ;)

angie - purple heart is love!

gl - YY's love tee~

gl - OHANA is love

gl - zhi's valentines love to ohana gals

gl - 爱心 b'day cake from jingyi and mum!

zhi - sis's 千里传情 b'day card for mum~

gl - pretty green hearts!!!

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Some of my fav. nostalgic pics from Agro Beach and Nostalgia Yasin Bungalow

stuck in the toilet on the first day! what an experience... ha

happy 21st YY!

pretty light falling on the wine glass...

woody Yasin balcony! i even have the intention of sleeping there to watch sunrise the next day.

pretty view~

straw umbrella on the lovely beach~

night view~

out in the waters at night... exploring? cleaning?

pretty sea view~ white chairs, blue sea make a perfect combination!

lick lick~~~ meow~

lazing around in a lazy afternoon...

hear the waves as u slip into a nap...

lie down and relax~

giving a model pose~

a hut admist the blue sea~

colours of the plants complementing the hut~

on the dreamy white sands beach~

doggie loves running along the beach!

little birdie stops to rest on our balcony...

hanging our towels on the balcony to dry.

kampung girl brushing her hair. aww, my colourful towel adds a beautiful touch to the picture.

kampung uncle chilling outside the house.

kampung boy strolling home after school~

kampung kids riding back home after school~ friendship lasts long! ;)

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Friday, June 10, 2011

i want my red blood cells back...

donated blood at a clinic last tue and then i thought about the 3 months interval before the next blood donation. does having to wait 3 months means that our red blood cells count need 3 months to go back to the normal level? i went to research and im right......

'Since it takes 120 days (4 months!!!) to fully replenish the red blood cell volume, the minimum time for build up of a new red cell supply has been set at 90 days (3 months!!!)'

'Red blood cells are replaced by bone marrow into the circulatory system at a slower rate, on average 36 days in healthy adult males. In one study, the range was 20 to 59 days for recovery.'

im so sad....... i realise the interval between my blood donation and marathon is 12 days only... ive only got 12 days to replenish my red blood cells.....

now my red blood cells carry lesser oxygen, means i pant more easily and faster :(

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Sunday, June 5, 2011


is it because of expectation that u feel upset if the love u want is not what u get. some people show their love openly, some others subtly, some others oddly.

is there a need to interrogate the person u love? even if he's/she's wrong, u are also doing wrong by interrogating. what's worse, making up something absurd. now ive felt what is it like to be interrogated and humiliated by people who love me and whom i love for something which is untrue. the feeling is very awful.


what exactly is love?
Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

double standards.

A lady do have 'different' roles in the family.

Husband had a cough.
Wife: 问隔壁有没有咳嗽药

Daughter had a cough.
Mother: 咳咳咳,烦死了

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

MTV shoot...

Role: Camera Assistant
Awake from 6am to 6am... Epic shoot?

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

life in mediacorp...

i think i saw the guy whom huang wen yong acted as in the Star Awards parody skit. haaaa... the cameraman with the big belly and wearing that 3/4 uncle bermudas.

we were halfway through work and my colleague told us there will be filming later in our mediacorp library for a farewell video for lucus chow. so i joined in the fun and coz of my height, they put me in front... lucky only need to say one line.

the small crew comprises of a director, cameraman, camera assistant and a sound recordist. i then happen to notice of the big belly cameraman uncle. haaa... its so like the cameraman acted by huang wen yong. got excited and then i look at the sound recordist, a young guy, and i started to wonder if he is the one acted by yang zhi long, but nothing jarring abt him to make the conclusion. haa

tapes that i have to catalogue...

and more tapes...

work at the mediacorp library is kinda boring... hope i can be transferred back to wardrobe which i guess will be more fun. the library has lots of music and sound tracks for the editors to do their post production and archive of dramas, varieties and news. and after work today, while waiting for my dad, i searched Rui En in the catalogue and there are some old vids that ive never watched before and my colleague told me that i can stay back after work to view the shows. heh... not that bad afterall :P

Ho'oponopono - Heal ourselves before healing others