Sunday, July 19, 2009

my friend emailed me a chain email on this Bora-Bora Island and after a few weeks(the email was sent on 4th july), i decided to click on it.

(disclaimer: pics from chain letter, this is the website where original article was found -->

feeling a little out of place by some day to day matters, this phrase came to mind;
an island, accompanied by the ocean is blissful enough.

though it doesnt sound much polished, but it adds a tinge of emotion in me. aiya... ppl get emotional at times mah, who doesnt.

im easily affected by some miscellaneous affairs like most ppl. i take it to heart, just that i dont show that i do. but what for be preoccupied by things which might seem transcient and not as genuine as u think it is or feeling the most hollow for our unfelt presence. we take time to grow, to grow out of this phase, not to become unfeeling, but to be easily contented.

i just happened to realise the power of felicia's msn display picture when i talked to her on msn just now, it's awesome! ha... she has been putting this display picture with the same nickname for like 2 or more years i guess and this is the first time i felt it's presence. when i saw it, sad become happy, as simple as that.

whenever im feeling depressed, i will always always think of fel fel, and tell myself i should be satiated by having such a good friend. i once sms-ed her, cried out at the same time, spilled out all my unhappiness to her, telling her i thought of her the moment i felt hurt and how much i want her to be by my side when im feeling lost(i swear this is the most emotional sms ive ever sent to a friend. i dont say it face to face though).

yes, i do look more mature than the kiddish her, but she's definitely emotionally stronger than me. she saw me break down quite a few times, but ive only seen her break down once, and it's for a sensible cause.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

aussie trip!

13 Jun 09 - 24 Jun 09

the cutie~!

naughty felix bullies cousin.

felyond simply loves the fine, smooth, cold sand!

love love love!

abstract chained legs. heh

super ugly fish.


dont u think this is scary?

my fav. ride! wipeout!

i wowed upon seeing this place! breath-taking! and look at the ducks playing on the surface of the water.

haa.. uncle edward looks cute here.. dad and mum in front~

doesnt this look like toy train? so cute lar~~

this more or less explains my religion? ha...

horse-riding show.

want money?

boomerang-throwing demonstration.

sheep-dog chasing sheeps show. this is damn cute lar.. the dog even rammed the sheeps.. ha...



pretty horns!

aunty carren kissing dad, wishing him happy father's day.